Dear Diary,
Sorry for not writing in a week but the holiday weekend really wasn't that much of holiday weekend since I officially made the big move and moved in with J! It's been a process. Our bedroom is in the process of being painted and is about 90% finished so that means all of my stuff in sitting in the dinning room waiting to find a home. It was very interesting trying to find clothes to wear to work since I had to dig through giant dark trash bags to find something that matched!
This is literally what it looked like this morning!
I complete projects at a very different pace then J does. He doesn't understand why I'm so crazy about getting the room done and why i'm in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry I just want to pull clothes off a shelf and not out of various packing materials. This is a big deal for both of us since we have never lived with another significant other before. We have both had roommates in the past but this is totally different. I know we are going to have a bit of an adjustment period and I'm very happy to finally be living in the same place as what's listed on my licence! It has been four years of packing bags and driving back and forth. It will be nice to get into a more stable situation with a reliable routine.
My version of deciding to do a project is set a goal and work until it's finished. J's idea of a project is set a goal and get it done in pieces. For instance paint 15 minutes, get a drink, paint 15 minutes watch the Phillies, paint 15 minutes, take a pee. I think you get the gist of what I'm dealing with here. I don;t have patience when it comes to getting projects done. I want to know it's complete and I don't have to worry about it any more. His new Nickname for me is "Stalin"!
He doesn't care if takes weeks, "it will get done" is his famous saying. So it should be interesting to see how we acclimate to living in tight quarters together.
I am looking forward to starting this part of our lives together and am finally realizing that we really are getting married. Now that I know I get to go home and see him every night I smile just thinking about it, even though he does get on my nerves when he farts around with getting things done.
I know we will make it work and get through the little bumps and bruises that are to be expected in the beginning. I wouldn't want it any other way:)
My Dearest Diary,
The Blushing Bride To Be