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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

U can't see me!

Dear Diary,
 J is away for work so I miss him. Usually when people go away they bring back presents or gifts. They usually are a little more inclined to say I miss you or I love you. J's way of doing this was to send me the following picture in a text that read: U Can't See me!

To some of you you would probably be like who the heck is this and what was he thinking? But to me this is better then any stupid t-shirt or postcard from the airport. This is a wax figure of my favorite WWE Wrestler John Cena. I call him my husband but he just doesn't know it yet:) hahaha So J saw this and thought of me and sent it to me to make me laugh. It was great to know even though we are far apart i'm still on his mind.
So I returned the favor with a picture of his grandmom's meatballs! hahahaha

I thought you would enjoy this little story today:)

My Dearest diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And The WInner is...

Dear Diary,
 The dress fitting went very well last night. Still a bit snug but it zipped! A few more lbs before my August 31st second fitting and I should be good to go! Just need to make sure the rack stays locked and loaded! haha

So after all my shoe deliberation we finally have a winner. Drum Roll Please..................................................

These looked the most classy and matched the best so they won. I am of course keeping the other ones because I do love them so much. I'll just have to wear them to something else:) I'm sure J will love the fact of me having yet another pair of shoes in the house. hahaha

We tried on the veil and added my hair accessories and jewelry and i'm even more excited to wear my dress and walk down that isle to J:) Only 53 more days to go!

My Dearest Diary,
The Blushing Bride To Be

Monday, July 25, 2011

Will it or Won't it Zip?

Dear Diary,

Today is the day of the big dress fitting! I'm very hopeful for tonight's adventure. I have been working very hard over the past two months to lose some weight and just recover from my last disaster of trying on my dress. I'm down almost 10lbs. since the last fitting and really want this time to feel like the first time I tried it on.
I had a great time with two of my besties this weekend and did very well staying on track even after going out to eat three times, going to Atlantic City for the day and even a concert. So I plan for the lady to be able to zip that dress up with ease tonight.

I'm also excited to see the whole thing put together with my accessories and also to be able to pick the final pair of shoes. So as much as I would have loved to have that big, juicy burger this weekend i'll be so glad I picked the grilled chicken and shrimp instead:)

I'll let you know how everything goes tonight and let you know which shoes were the winner:)

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The ever growing bridal party

Dear Diary,
 Usually as the days and months pass and tensions run high some people get in fights with people who are in the wedding about something stupid. Some even go as far as asking them not to be in the wedding any longer. Well we have the opposite issue. J is now officially up to 10 groomsmen! We had dinner over the weekend with one of J's close friends and before we went over he asks me if I would care if he asked him to be in the wedding. I told him I wanted him to be happy and didn''t mind at all and it was his decision.
He was going to ask this friend to begin with but as I had mentioned in previous diary entries he felt he needed to draw the line somewhere. The friend understood.

He felt he really wanted him to be there and included that day so he asked him. He said yes and now the magic number stands at 10! This is what happens when you marry the Mayor! hahaha

Here is an example of what 10 groomsmen looks like:
They look like a giant mob. hahaha

This should be very interesting to say the least. I'm happy with my six bridesmaids so there are no worries about my side getting any bigger. I'll let you know if the expansion continues.

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Case of The Invisible Ink Response Card

Dear Diary,
 We have begun receivng our responses for our wedding and it's very exciting to see all the people that want to attend. It's great to see the little notes people write and how happy everyone is for us. It's very encouraging and makes me even more impatient for the big day.

We also started to receive the weird response cards back too for example one with the guests names but they forgot to check whether they are coming or not. Thank God i had just spoke with them and they were telling me how excited they were for the day so that was an easy one.
But yesterday we received this in the mail:

I'm so sorry you can't make it but WHO ARE YOU?????? I can't read invisible ink people. hahaha So I guess we will have to wait until after the deadline and see who hasn't responded and make calls. I'm sure we will figure it out. In fact i'm determined to figure it out now. The outer envelope had no return address, of course, but the postal stamp was from Philadelphia so that narrows it a bit for us. We will see who the magic pen perpetrator is and I'll keep you posted!

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Friday, July 15, 2011

And the finalists are....

Dear Diary,
 My shoes came yesterday! I thought is was going to be an easy decision but alas i'm still stuck. I really like both pairs. One is a bit more comfy than the other but the other is a bit more classy to me. J walked in the room as I was trying them on and said, " Those are both really nice. Is anyone even going to see them under your dress?" I of course responded with "i'm going to see them and that's what matters".

I had one of each shoe on so J said "Here is the big test. Stand in front of me. Lean more on the left. Now on the right. That's it! The one on the right is lower so it wins!" He started laughing and walked away.
He's always sooo helpful in these situations.

So I did the obvious thing and called my mom. hahaha She gave me a great idea to take both pairs to my fitting and see what looks best with the dress and decide that way. That's a perfect idea. I will say it again, Mom always knows best! (That still stings to say)                         

Here are the finalists:
So I will be taking my two front runners with me on the 25th for final vote!
I'll keep you posted on the results.

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Great Shoe Debate

Dear Diary,
 As you know I am a true lover of shoes! I love all kinds of shoes. I really don't discriminate. I could wear a different pair of shoes everyday for a few months and never have to wear the same pair twice. This is what my collection would look like if I were to display them:

So to say I have a few shoes is an understatement. Shoes make me feel good. No matter what is going on in my life, if I happen to gain a few pounds my shoes still look great! haha J calls me Imelda Marcos:

This woman had over 2700 pairs of shoes. I'm well on my way but no where near 2700,  YET:)

SO the big decision before me is what shoes do I wear on the most important day of my life??? Do I spring for a really expensive pair I've had my eye on or do I find something more practical? Do I get a a super high heel that I would normally rock or something a little smaller since J isn't that tall and our pics might look funny? Do I go for something that really matches or throw caution to the wind and get a funky color? These are all things I have to consider and here are some of the choices I have been eyeing up.

When all is said and done I know I will be happy with my decision and you are just going to have to wait and see what shoes I pick on my big day:)

My Dearest Diary,
The Blushing Bride To Be

Monday, July 11, 2011

The great shower fake out

Dear Diary,

Sunday was one of my good friend's baby shower. Since I have not had my bridal shower yet the crazy bride mind takes over and you have the Red Devil Bride on one shoulder saying, "This is your shower. You could call and find out. They are trying to fake you out."

Then you have the Sweet White Bride on the other shoulder saying, "This is really her shower. Just be happy and stop trying to ruin your surprise".

When it gets within two months of your wedding every weekend becomes the maybe it's this weekend weekend! haha That's what i'm going through right now. I love surprises but the control freak side of me wants to be prepared for it so that I don't look like I was just cleaning the bathroom when I go there. I can say this is the first time that not one person has slipped with any information. Everyone just keeps telling me i'm not getting a shower and they really are sticking to their guns so it's even harder to figure out.

I know whatever they are planning it's going to be wonderful and special and i'm just excited for it to happen. I'll keep you posted on Showergate 11! haha

My Dearest Diary,
The Blushing Bride To Be

Friday, July 8, 2011

The invites have left the building!

Dear Diary,
 We were finally able to get the invites out. It took me a very long time to get them all together, stuffed, stamped and sealed but they are finished and out the door! It was nice, J took them to the B. Free Franklin Post Office, the the only active post office in the United States that does not fly a United States flag--because there wasn't yet one in 1775. I asked him to take them there because they could be hand stamped with a special Ben Franklin Stamp and not ran through a machine where they stood the chance of getting caught and ripped. Here is what the stamp looks like:
Once all 173 invitations were in the mail I could breath a little easier. Now the fun begins of waiting by the mailbox for the response cards to arrive. We were taking bets on who would be the first one to send theirs back and J's mom was the actual first one but I don't count it since we hand delivered our parent's ahead of time. Tuesday I came home from work to find not 1 but 19 response cards sitting on the table! I was so excited to open them and see the notes from people and all the YESes:) It made me feel even more excited about the wedding:)

Here are two pics of the invitations as promised:)

Everyone gave great feedback about them which made me even more happy and excited. I'm looking forward to seeing what our final number loos like and if i'm going to have to sell my kidney to pay for it. hahaha
My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Where do I put all my crap????

Dear Diary,

Sorry for not writing in a week but the holiday weekend really wasn't that much of holiday weekend since I officially made the big move and moved in with J! It's been a process. Our bedroom is in the process of being painted and is about 90% finished so that means all of my stuff in sitting in the dinning room waiting to find a home. It was very interesting trying to find clothes to wear to work since I had to dig through giant dark trash bags to find something that matched!

This is literally what it looked like this morning!

I complete projects at a very different pace then J does. He doesn't understand why I'm so crazy about getting the room done and why i'm in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry I just want to pull clothes off a shelf and not out of various packing materials. This is a big deal for both of us since we have never lived with another significant other before. We have both had roommates in the past but this is totally different. I know we are going to have a bit of an adjustment period and I'm very happy to finally be living in the same place as what's listed on my licence! It has been four years of packing bags and driving back and forth. It will be nice to get into a more stable situation with a reliable routine.

My version of deciding to do a project is set a goal and work until it's finished. J's idea of a project is set a goal and get it done in pieces. For instance paint 15 minutes, get a drink, paint 15 minutes watch the Phillies, paint 15 minutes, take a pee. I think you get the gist of what I'm dealing with here. I don;t have patience when it comes to getting projects done. I want to know it's complete and I don't have to worry about it any more. His new Nickname for me is "Stalin"!

He doesn't care if takes weeks, "it will get done" is his famous saying. So it should be interesting to see how we acclimate to living in tight quarters together.

I am looking forward to starting this part of our lives together and am finally realizing that we really are getting married. Now that I know I get to go home and see him every night I smile just thinking about it, even though he does get on my nerves when he farts around with getting things done.

I know we will make it work and get through the little bumps and bruises that are to be expected in the beginning. I wouldn't want it any other way:)

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be