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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Great Shoe Debate

Dear Diary,
 As you know I am a true lover of shoes! I love all kinds of shoes. I really don't discriminate. I could wear a different pair of shoes everyday for a few months and never have to wear the same pair twice. This is what my collection would look like if I were to display them:

So to say I have a few shoes is an understatement. Shoes make me feel good. No matter what is going on in my life, if I happen to gain a few pounds my shoes still look great! haha J calls me Imelda Marcos:

This woman had over 2700 pairs of shoes. I'm well on my way but no where near 2700,  YET:)

SO the big decision before me is what shoes do I wear on the most important day of my life??? Do I spring for a really expensive pair I've had my eye on or do I find something more practical? Do I get a a super high heel that I would normally rock or something a little smaller since J isn't that tall and our pics might look funny? Do I go for something that really matches or throw caution to the wind and get a funky color? These are all things I have to consider and here are some of the choices I have been eyeing up.

When all is said and done I know I will be happy with my decision and you are just going to have to wait and see what shoes I pick on my big day:)

My Dearest Diary,
The Blushing Bride To Be

1 comment:

  1. They're shoes not a condo for christ's sake! Look at all the shoes and the pair that you go right back to, they're the ones. Easy, sneesie and Bella would say.
