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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tan Goddess Time or should I say Red Lobster Time

Dear Diary,
 I have been contemplating the whole going tanning thing. I use the word "tanning" lightly as I rarely tan. I usually get red like a lobster, peel and fade back to my normal pasty white. haha I'm the worst Italian ever! My younger brother got all the dark Italian genes. I got the English, Scottish, Dutch ones. Lucky me! Here is a pic of me and and my fam so you can fully understand where i'm coming from. Everyone always thinks he is my boyfriend! EEWWW GROSS!

As you can see my mom is darker and my dad is very fair skinned. I am very fair skinned as well. Even after 30 years I still have that glimmer of hope I'll tan! haha

So I knew I couldn't get married being the same color as my dress. That would be very flattering. I figure some color (even if it is red) is better then pasty white. So I gave in and joined Hollywood Tans again in hopes to get some good color before the big day.

I know, I know I shouldn't be going to those tanning places because of the risk of skin cancer. I totally agree. I'm just doing this for a month for my wedding and then back to pasty white it is! Also, I bought the JWOW tanning lotion so that should definitely help me with my GTL routine! hahaha
Seriously here is a pic:

So after only one five minute session the lobster red color is well on it's way! Here's to hoping i'll actually tan this time! hahaa

My Dearest Diary,
 The Blushing Bride To Be

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